Published by Microsphere Computer Services Ltd.
Developed by Microsphere Computer Services Ltd.
Also For Commodore 64, iPad, iPhone
Instantly screaming originality – you take charge of Eric – a school boy who has to get his report card out of the headmasters safe before he accrues 10,000 lines.
The bell rings and you find yourself working your way around the school, beating up and sling shotting the other kids as you try to hit the shields dotted around the different lesson rooms. After this task (and it is a difficult one!) you have to knock over each teacher who reveals a password letter. Once decoded you have to write it on the chalk board for the old coffin dodging history teacher to see – who then has a mental breakdown giving you the code for the safe! Job done! Well until you have to hit all the shields again.
Only it sounds easy… The school swot Einstein is always grassing you up for smacking him about, if not always stealing your seat in class. Get hit by a stray pellet from boy wonders’ slingshot getting caught by the teacher lying on the ground and the warning ‘noise’ flares giving you instant lines.
Angel face – the school bully ocasionally gets the mumps – if you cross him consider yourself buggered – instant expulsion! sounds harsh but hey the game would be too simple!
It is always great fun writing on the blackboard before class, something crude which only you will chuckle at.. but hey that’s what school was all about, when we were allowed to have fun.
The game is packed full of fun gameplay, the graphics do look like a straight speccy port – which it is so fair is fair. The only control issue is navigating the stairs and then getting lines for not being in the right place due to said stairs.. If only schools had disabled stair lifts in them there days… then we could get drunk in them.